5 Benefits of Cold Therapy

1 - Manage Pain

2 - Accelerate Recovery

3 - Reduce Joint Inflammation

4 - Minimize Opioid Demand

5 - Improve Patient PT Engagement

Clinically proven to decrease post-surgical pain, swelling, and muscle spasms. Cold therapy patients may need less pain medication and achieve more comfortable, restful sleep. Cold therapy is also used as part of a DVT prophylaxis regimen. Kinex Cold Therapy products are often prescribed following many common surgical procedures such as Total Knee Replacement (TKR), or Total Knee Arthroplasty (TKA). Planning a TKR procedure in the near future? Read our Guide to TKR Home Recovery.


Kinex ThermoComp™ provides cold, contrast and compression therapies. It is designed to assist with post-operative rehabilitation in the home. The ThermoComp reduces swelling, reduces pain, and improves blood flow to the surgical site.

DonJoy IceMan CLEAR3+

The DonJoy IceMan CLEAR3+ cold therapy unit helps reduce pain and swelling with up to 7 hours of continuous cold therapy for a variety of indications. The IceMan uses a patented semi-closed loop recirculation system, allowing it to deliver more consistent and accurate temperatures than similar units.


Cold therapy has been found to significantly decrease post-operative pain, swelling and muscle spasms. Patients who use cold therapy may use less pain medication and achieve better, more restful sleep.

About Cold Therapy